So it appears to me that no matter how old a woman gets, she will always encounter sexist double standard thinking from men. Equally men of any age often feel that their thoughts and actions will always be superior to a woman's, no matter her age. In any and every arena be that love and relationships, business, sports or education. Women are often the unsung heroes that go through much more than men. Our struggles are often what make us the stronger party. While men often use their " God given right" to take the lead over women it is not a blessing to play with. Women have just as much, even more sensablity than men and it's about time we take back our power. After all we as women are bearers of life. If it wasn't for us the human race could not continue. Yet men still take our presence, existence and craving for equality lightly. I myself as a conscious Queen, refuse to allow a man to control me, rule me or treat me as if I am not smarter than he. I encourage all my fellow sisters to stand up for themselves and show some self respect,self pride and self awareness. Women are the rock of the world and it's about time we speak up and take back what is rightfully ours. This is not about male bashing. This is about truth and equality for all.

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